The Just Start Experience

Noor Al Ain Tahir
3 min readJul 31, 2020


I am doing my Masters in Physics right now. I honestly don’t have any internship experience. Sometimes I feel like I will be left behind and I will be just a student with no experience. But my will of not giving up is really strong. I go through different websites, pages and research sites to know more about my subject and by going through all of that, I have learned that the world is evolving so fast and everyday we have the opportunity of doing something new. So, why not just start?

Last week, I got this great opportunity to work on my dream, that is research. To make this pandemic fruitful, our Professor gave us a unique task of creating a manuscript. The picture I’ve attached will elaborate more:

We have to write a manuscript for “Nuclear Physics”.

This is something I have never done before. It seems challenging but I have taken a start to work on it. This is how I have been progressing:

Start of the Week:

To be honest, the start was really slow. I opened up my books, read a little and then exhaustively closed them.

This is my personal Library :D

But still, i pushed myself to learn more. I decided why not do some research over the internet as to widen my knowledge and to be a better mentor for all the newbies out there.

Middle of the week:

By this time, i was still going through so many websites and stuff. Nothing was working for me. All the material seemed the same.

Skimming through web pages.
Still doing that….

Then i had an epiphany. I was working directly on creating the content instead i should’ve learned how to actually make a manuscript first. I skipped the first step and jumped in the middle.

My enthusiasm was lowered down a bit because almost 4 days i was like a deer in headlights. Confused and not knowing where to go. Then i took a whole day off and reflected on what I have done and where I have to go now. It helped a lot and now I know how to start again.

End of the week:

I had a difficult and confusing week but now i exactly know what to do and where to start.

Starting again and learning how to write a manuscript first

So, i will now learn how to write a manuscript. Then In Shaa Allah, I will start working on the content writing. Hopefully, I will learn a lot more and will enjoy this new experience.

